Blindfolded by virtual world
The concept of social media and its impact on our daily lives inspired me to create an illustration. My idea was to depict the darker side of social media, showing how it blinds us to the realities of life.
To do this, I created an image of a girl blindfolded by clothes printed with various social media logos. The blindfold was the only element in color, while the rest of the picture was in grayscale. I wanted to convey the message that while social media may feel colorful and vibrant, it can blind us to the world around us.

The process of creating this illustration involved multiple steps. First, I sketched the basic outline and placement of the elements in the picture. Then, I used a reference image to draw the girl and the clothes with social media logos. 

Next, I applied a grayscale filter to the entire image, except for the blindfold. This helped me create a focal point and emphasize the message I wanted to convey.

Through this illustration, I wanted to urge people to be mindful of their social media use and the impact it can have on their lives. While social media can be a useful tool for connecting with people, it's important to recognize its potential downsides and not let it blind us to the real world.

In conclusion, this illustration was a powerful reminder of the impact of social media on our lives, and it helped me convey an important message through art.


